Barn heating with infrared heater

Intelligent heating solutions for all aspects of livestock farming
Freezing temperatures pose a health risk for animals kept in stables, sheds, sties and pens. BURDA PerfectClime presents an extensive program of cost-efficient and feasible solutions using innovative shortwave infrared technology.
Advantages of radiant heaters for livestock farming at a glance:
Infrared heating provides the perfect climate when keeping livestock, whether adult or young animals
Foals, chicks, calves or piglets – a special environment is required for raising and housing young animals. Our highly energy-efficient piglet lamps are the perfect solution. On icy cold days this compact infrared heat lamp creates a cosy ‘feel-good’ climate and steady room temperatures to protect the young animals. The energy-saving heat lamp can be operated manually or automatically, if needed, with the help of a digital timer.
System heating solutions by BURDA PerfectClime create the perfect climate for animal housing. As temperatures drop, the infrared heater takes over; either the radiant heater version or convenient panel heaters.