Enjoy the pleasant warmth of BURDA infrared heating panels like sunbeams on a clear winter day! Our HEATPANELS series offers various possibilities of installation with wall or ceiling mounting, with different designs and various wattages, tailor-made to the individual heat requirement. HEATPANELS are working with infrared long-waves and are suitable for use in all indoor areas. External controls via radio or dimmer can be found in our accessories range.

Infrared heating panels – all advantages at a glance:

What is infrared?
Infrared radiation is a sub-area of the light spectrum generated by the sun. This type of light, however, is invisible to the human eye; it only serves to radiate heat. This means that infrared rays, responsible for the human sensation of heat, are positive rays and cannot be compared with UV or microwave radiation or with X-rays.
Owing to their varying wavelengths and resulting mode of action, a distinction is drawn between three types of infrared rays:
Infrared-A, short wave
780 – 1.400 nm (0,8 – 1,4 µ) 3620 K – 2070 K
Infrared-B, medium-wave
1.400 – 3.000 nm (1,4 – 3 µ) 2070 K – 965 K
Infrared-C, long-wave
3.000 – 10.000 nm (3 – 10 µ) 965 K – 290 K