The guests prefer to be outdoors!

Radiant heaters enable outdoor catering even in autumn. More and more city administrations in Germany and Europe who banned in the past heaters in public areas, bow to this argument in order to support the hospitality branche in autumn and winter .
In addition to an extensive range of outdoor infrared heaters in various designs, performance levels and price classes, BURDA WTG also offers complete system solutions including light and sound for outdoor hospitality and private terraces.

Expand the outdoor area with infrared heaters and extend the season

The gastronomy, badly shaken by the Corona crisis, is worried about survival in the coming autumn / winter season. Many guests prefer to sit outside instead of inside, because viruses spread less outdoors than in stuffy guest rooms despite all hygiene and distance rules. One way out offer heated outdoor areas with  radiant heaters with infrared heat. Compared to gas-powered patio heaters, they have several advantages:

  • Infrared radiant heaters do not require any equipment other than electricity and are the most environmentally friendly heating alternative to CO2-producing gas heaters – even more so when operated with green electricity.

  • Infrared heaters can be used flexibly. They are suitable for wall and ceiling mounting, for umbrella or tent installation or as a free-standing device.

  • IR patio heaters heat precisely with infrared radiation, which generates heat in the body and is not lost to the surrounding air, as is the case with convection heat.

  • The slightly higher acquisition costs have already amortized within a few months, because an IR heater covers about three times the area of ​​a conventional gas heater and causes around 70 percent less costs.

Operation without smell x
Operation without noise x
Operation without raising dust x
No oxygen consumption x
Fuel Gas Electricity
Maintenance-free x
Wall and ceiling mounting x

Short-wave infrared heaters (IRA) are the most effective patio heaters

Infrared heaters with shortwave offer the best heat output in outdoor areas due to the high radiation intensity. Short wave radiation penetrates deeper into the skin and creates a more intense feeling of warmth than medium or long wave emitters. Above all, less heat energy dissipates into the circulating air, in contrast to radiant heaters with medium and long wave radiation or with gas.

Our recommendations for patio heaters with infrared shortwave:

RELAX GLASS SCHOTT Nextrema® ceramic-glass heater

Image: Ceiling installationrestaurant terrace, ©BURDA WTG

TERM2000 IP67 infrared heater series

Image: TERM2000 parasol installation, ©BURDA WTG

Get more inspiration for attactive heater installations in our online gallery